Volume 2, Issue 4 (DECEMBER ISSUE 2021)                   johepal 2021, 2(4): 27-51 | Back to browse issues page

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Moore S A, Ciotti S. (2021). Praxis-Poiesis: University–Community Relationship in an Epoch of Uncertainty and Disruption. johepal. 2(4), 27-51. doi:10.52547/johepal.2.4.27
URL: http://johepal.com/article-1-150-en.html
Abstract:   (3125 Views)
This paper presents findings from a critical ethnographic study that spanned 3 years from 2018 to 2021 in a Canadian post-secondary context and engaged transdisciplinary quantum feminisms as a conceptual framework. The purpose of the study was to formulate an ethical frame of reference that could facilitate exchanges within university–community partnerships. This study was ongoing as the global COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, a time frame that also paralleled heightened social and political awareness of racial disparity in Canada, the United States, and around the globe. These factors prompted the authors to expand the scope of the project midway to also consider the impact of COVID-19 on university–community partnerships. Given this, a main research question guides this study: What qualifies university–community partnerships as ethical? It is contextualized by a secondary question: What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on university–community partnerships? Findings from this study led to the development of an ethical frame of reference for university–community partnerships entitled Praxis-Poiesis: Intentional Allyship, Reciprocal Relationships, and Transilience.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/11/8 | Accepted: 2021/12/24 | Published: 2021/12/30

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