Article Template & Author Form

 | Post date: 2020/05/21 | 

Journal of Higher Education Policy And Leadership Studies (JHEPALS)
Types of Articles We Publish:

In JHEPALS we consider the manuscripts which can be assigned to one of the following categories:  
  • Research Articles: Manuscripts usually include abstract, keywords, introduction, research question(s), review of the available literature, research methodology, results, discussion and conclusion. (Double blind review)
  • Reflections: Commentaries, opinion pieces, and view points which cover the novel and innovative ideas are considered for the Reflections section of the journal. The content must be in alignment with the Aims and Scope of the journal. Further, it must be well-supported by the available research as well as the authors’ teaching, research, and leadership experience/ expertise in Higher Education Policy and Leadership. (Double blind review)
  • Colloquium: an overview of research briefs (maximum 2000 words inclusive of references, figures, and tables) which might be a report of new ideas, research in progress, or comment on a policy(Double blind review) -------- NEW SECTION (from December 2021)
  • Interview(s): Interviews are by invitation only. Globally recognized scholars and researchers within the realm of higher education, policy, and leadership are nominated by the members of the editorial team. Editors-in-chief make the final decision to invite the selected scholar for the interview section (specifically according to the most recent trends in HE). Editors-in-chief assign 2-3 members of the editorial team to prepare most comprehensive questions. Interview questions are then discussed among editorial team’s meetings. The editors-in-chief approve the Interview questions. (Unmasked review by editorial team)
  • Book Review(s): The book reviews we receive must be in alignment with the Aims and Scope of the journal. (Double blind review)
Manuscript Submission Guideline:

JHEPALS uses free format style of manuscript preparation. In this case, there is no rigid prescribed template (step-by-step headings and sub-headings in each section) which authors must follow prior to submission of their research to the journal. So, the authors are free to submit their manuscripts without any concern that their research will be sent back to them if they fail to meet one of the detailed prescribed template guidelines.  
Also, there is no word limit for the manuscripts we receive; however, to expedite the review procedure, the authors are advised to prepare the following details in a separate page and submit it accordingly:
  • Title of the article
  • Author(s) full name
  • Author(s) affiliation + email address
  • ORCid (if available)
  • Keywords (5-7)
  • Acknowledgement
  • Conflict of interest
  • Funding if available
  • Permissions (Authors are highly advised to obtain necessary permissions from copyright holders to reproduce illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere).
  • Originality note (In order to avoid plagiarism, authors are obliged to confirm that the manuscript is their original works, and if others’ works are used, it must be properly cited/ quoted).
  • Figures and Tables:
* Include editable tables at the end of article (Cite in-text as “Please insert Table 1/ Figure 1, here”).
* Provide figures and images with the maximum quality.
  • Supplementary Data:
* If you intend to publish supplementary materials with your article or it might be submitted to the reviewers, please submit it online through submission portal.
  • Reference Style: Please follow APA referencing style for in-text citations as well as list of references at the end of article. Further details are below provided (APA Submission Guideline – 7th edition) -- You can also click here!
  • English Language: The reviewers are informed that feedback/ comments about the English language of the articles is not part of review procedure; however, if a manuscript is accepted for publication in the JHEPALS, the author(s) will be advised to consult with a native speaker of English to proof-read the manuscript prior to its submission to the journal’s publishing team.
  • JHEPALS Author Form: Authors are also asked to complete and sign the JHEPALS Author Form (available here) and submit as a supplementary document (marked as Not for Review) during the online submission process.
  • Submission Note (Colloquium): There is no structured Abstract and it is titled as "Highlights". Authors are advised to present a brief overview of their work (as Bullet Points) with a maxmium word count of 100 words. The maximum word count for Colloquium is 2000 words (inclusive of references, figures, tables).
Article Processing Charges (APC):

Journal of Higher Education Policy And Leadership Studies receives NO submission/ publication fee from the authors.

Editorial Correspondence:
Manuscripts must be submitted online; however, 
If you need to consult with the JHEPALS editors-in-chief prior to manuscript submission OR if you intend to join us as Special Issue Editor(s) and propose Special Issue Call for Papers, please contact us at the following email addresses:

Prof. Abbas Abbaspour ( ;
Dr. Ali Khorsandi Taskoh ( ;
JHEPALS Editorial Office:



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APA Submission Guideline (7th edition)

 | Post date: 2020/02/6 | 

Esteemed authors, researchers, educational practitioners, and contributors to the Journal of Higher Education Policy And Leadership Studies are highly advised to prepare manuscripts according to guidelines in the newly released version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition

To ensure that our journal meets the highest standards of academic publishing, we obtained permission from the American Psychological Association (APA) to include several links to the APA Publication Manual (7th ed.) guidelines. In this regard, you are highly advised to check the following links to learn and apply the main standards of academic publishing for preparing your manuscript based on the APA Publication Manual (7th ed.) guidance prior to submission to the Journal of Higher Education Policy And Leadership Studies:

Additional guidance can be found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) through the following links:


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