1) Submission/ Publication Fee:
There is no submission or publication fee and the journal's contents are available to all free.
2) Deadline for Article Submission:
There is no specific deadline for submission of the manuscripts to the journal; hence, authors can submit their research as soon as it is ready for submission.
3) Special Issue Call for Paper:
Our Call for Paper special issue (if available) will appear through "Call for Papers" section.
4) Invitation for Special Issue Editorship:
We welcome proposals for "Special Issues" from Higher Education researchers worldwide. In this regard, you can submit the first draft of the "Proposal for Special Issue" to the editors-in-chief:
- Prof. Abbas Abbaspour [ abbaspour
atu.ac.ir ]
- Dr. Ali Khorsandi Taskoh [ ali.khorsandi
atu.ac.ir ]
5) Publication Schedule:
- March 31; June 30; September 30; December 31
6) Obligatory Documents:
Authors are advised to submit the completed and signed JHEPALS Author Form and meticulously check the ethical guidelines (available here).
7) Criteria for Editorial Screening of Manuscripts (prior to double-blind review procedure):
Our authors are advised to submit their research to the JHEPALS if it meets the following criteria: its content (novelty), rigor of the research methodology, alingment of research findings with research literature, contribution to the available research knowledge, and being timely.
8) Types of Content Published by the JHEPALS:
Our authors are advised to check the "Submission Instruction" for further details; however, the contents of issues are categorized as:
- Articles
- Reflection(s)
- Colloquium
- Interview(s)
- Book Review(s)
9) Interview(s):
Interviews are by invitation only; so, we do not accept unsolicited emails from higher education scholars to join the interview part of the JHEPALS.
10) English Language Approval:
English is the language of the manuscripts published in the JHEPALS. If English is not the authors' native language; they must provide the approval of correct use of English (by English language editing services or native English speaking colleagues).
11) Review Procedure:
We avoid hasty publishing; in this regard, the initial editorial screening takes 30-40 working days to be completed. And the review procedure might take 3-4 months to be completed.
12) If you need further details:
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information/ details. You can access a full description of contact details at "Contact Information".
Our LinkedIn profile is also accessible here.
13) Ethical Statements to be Included in Research:
- Declaration of Conflicting Interest
- Funding
- Human Participants
- Originality Note
- Use of Generative AI/ AI-assisted Technologies Statement (It will be included in research articles from DECEMBER 2024 -- Volume 5/ Issue 4 approved by the JHEPALS Editorial Team on October 18, 2024). Check Ethical Guidelines for sample statements.
14) Technical checklist prior to online submission:
- Manuscript is prepared for submission to: Artilce/ Reflection/ Colloquium/ Book Review
- The final draft is proof-read by a native speaker of English (if the author's first language is not English)
- The reference list is prepared in alignment with the APA7th and journal's template (check the works published in our journal)
- DOIs are obligatory for references (you need to add direct links if DOIs are not available)
- Author's Form is completed and signed by the corresponding author for online submission