Contact Address

 | Post date: 2020/06/19 | 

Journal of Higher Education Policy And Leadership Studies

Editors-in-Chief (Email Correspondence):
Prof. Abbas Abbaspour (Email: ;
Dr. Ali Khorsandi Taskoh (Email: ;

JHEPALS Editorial Office Postal Address:

Prof. Abbas Abbaspour 
Room No. 226, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU), Olympic SQ., Tehran, Iran. POSTAL Code: 14896-84511 (Office TEL: +98-21-48393132)

Dr. Ali Khorsandi Taskoh 

Room No. 316, 3rd Floor, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU), Olympic SQ., Tehran, Iran. POSTAL Code: 14896-84511 (Office TEL: +98-21-48393256)

JHEPALS Publisher:

Dr. Ali Khorsandi Taskoh
Building No. 2, 2nd Floor, Farhad dead-end; South Kargar Street, Enqelab SQ., Tehran, Iran. POSTAL Code: 13187-85911 (Office TEL: +98-21-66566791)


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