It is with great pleasure to announce that the first issue of Journal of Higher Education Policy And Leadership Studies (JHEPALS) is published on June 22, 2020. As a quarterly peer-reviewed international journal, we are committed to the highest standards of academic publishing. Our issues are to appear in March, June, September, and December.
In order to avoid hasty and rapid publication of research articles, we sent out the received research for external double-blinded review after an initial editorial screening by the members of editorial board (Article Review mean: 104.47 Days). It also needs to be highlighted that we must observe tough and strict rules and regulations to launch new academic journals as obtainment of ISSN is even pending to the release of first issue of the journal. We will also update our articles with journal ISSN and DOI.
Our first issue includes eight research which are timely and of interest for members of Higher Education community worldwide as the mainstream of research practices is in alignment with today’s global challenges and crises in terms of education, economics, leadership, and policy.
Our June issue was released on June 22, 2020; while we are working extensively to publish the respective future issues with no delay; so, our 2020 volume includes three issues (June/ September/ December).